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Meet the Team
Maggie Dombroski
Save Our Streams Coordinator, Mid-Atlantic
Maggie travels around Virginia and parts of Maryland to certify new monitors and trainers. She also quality assures the data submitted by monitors and provides programmatic support to the VA SOS network. Maggie serves as the go-to resource for all VA SOS questions.
Sam Puckett
Clean Water Program Director
Sam leads the Clean Water Team at the Izaak Walton League. She works on grant writing, developing QAPPS, and managing relationships with state and federal agencies. She also manages IWLA’s other water quality initiatives and policy work.
Matthew Kierce
Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative Coordinator
Matthew serves as our primary liaison to the CMC. Matthew is responsible for coordinating the transfer of VA SOS data to the Chesapeake Bay Program and ensures that the VA SOS program is connected to Chesapeake Bay Wide goals and initiatives.